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Boreal Community Media

Cook County ISD 166 Education Foundation's E.A.T.S. Event set for March 6, tickets now on sale

Feb 04, 2025 08:30AM ● By Editor
Photo: Voyageur Brewing Company served chicken wings to E.A.T.S attendees. All photos from Boreal Community Media.

By Laura Durenberger-Grunow - Boreal Community Media - February 4, 2025

Tickets for the Cook County ISD 166 Education Foundation's fundraising event E.A.T.S., which will take place on March 6, 2025, from 5-7 p.m., are now available. The event is an opportunity for community members to sample items from local restaurants and food vendors, enjoy live music, and bid on items from local businesses, artists/crafters, and individuals. 

Last year, over 100 people attended, with 13 local restaurants and food vendors offering samples and over 125 items available to bid on. An estimated $9,000 was raised. 

All proceeds from the event go back to the Education Foundation, which has a mission to "offer unique experiences for students through innovative instruction and co-curricular programs which are unable to be funded by ISD 166 or other sources," according to their website. At the 2024 event, attendees were able to see an example of what type of projects the money could be used for. A newly assembled driving simulator was on display, which was created for the Community ED Driver's Education Program using funds from the Education Foundation. 

 A driving simulator was created for the Community Ed Driver's Education Program using funds from the Education Foundation. 

Tickets for the March 6, 2025, event are available at the ISD-166 school office, Subway, and Java Moose and are $30 each. Event organizations shared that the event would sell out and recommended that community members purchase early (cash or check only).