Update on road improvement project work in the Laurentian, Tofte and Gunflint areas
Nov 02, 2024 05:37AM ● By Content EditorPhoto provided
From the Superior National Forest - November 2, 2024
This spring, the Superior National Forest started several road improvement projects in the Tofte and Gunflint areas. Maintenance and improvement work began in May and continued through the summer. Below are updates on those projects that have work remaining.
Additionally, one bridge replacement project in Laurentian was completed. There is also upcoming work on one road related to damage from the June storm.
Forest Road (FR) 325 South Brule Road
Work: Installation of culverts and ditching will likely resume in the spring of 2025.
Impacts: Heavy truck traffic will be present thought out the project. Road will be open during gravel haul operations although users may encounter soft gravel. Low clearance and 2wd vehicles may have difficulty through these areas at times until the grader works it out. During culvert operations users will encounter delays of up to one hour for each culvert. Equipment such as culverts and small gravel piles may occur along the road. Expect short delays during truck loading and unloading operations.
Locations/Rec Sites Affected:
- Bower Trout BWCAW Entry Point #43
- Ram Lake BWCAW Entry Point #44
- Twin Lakes Campground & Boat Access (MNDNR)
- Morgan Lake BWCAW Entry Point #45
Alternative Routes: Users may avoid most of the work by continuing north on the Gunflint Trail and taking FR 152-Twin Lakes Road. There is a short one-mile distance of FR 152 (Twin Lakes Rd) which will be used by trucks going between the gravel pit and project site.
FR 164 Honeymoon Trail
Work: Culvert replacement, cleaning and constructing ditches and gravel work is complete.
Impacts: Heavy truck traffic will continue to be present during an active timber sale and gravel trucks will be hauling across Honeymoon to access the Barker Lake Road Project.
Locations/Rec Sites Affected:
- Honeymoon Trail Property Owners
- Barker Lake Property Owners
- Barker Lake Trailhead
- Christine Lake Access
- White Pine Lake Campground
- White Pine Lake Boat Access
- Poplar River Campground
Alternative Routes: There are no alternative routes to access sites on the Honeymoon Trail or Barker. Users could avoid delay and construction by adjusting which side of the Honeymoon they access.
FR326 Brule Lake Road
Work: Culvert replacement, cleaning and constructing ditches and gravel work are complete.
FR336 Onion River Road
Work: Culvert replacement, cleaning and constructing ditches, and adding gravel on the section beyond Oberg Mountain parking lot.
Impacts: Heavy truck traffic will be present thought out the project. Road will be open during gravel haul operations although users may encounter soft gravel. Work on the upper section from the Oberg parking lot to the end of the road are underway.
Locations/Rec Sites Affected:
- Oberg Mountain Trailhead
- Bike Trail Access points
Alternative Routes: No alternative routes around this work.
FR 337 Barker Lake Road
Barker Lake Road was affected by the June storm event. Work to repair severe damage from the storm will begin within the next two weeks. The road will remain open during repairs.
FR 425 Bundle Lake Road
Bridge replacement over the North Branch of the Whiteface River is completed. The road is open for regular traffic.