Superior National Forest Storm Damage Update - September 25
Sep 26, 2024 07:02AM ● By Editor
Photo: US Forest Service Facebook Post
June 24, the Superior National Forest issued an Emergency Forest Closure Order 09-09-24-05, for June Storm Restrictions - restricting occupancy and use in several affected areas across the 3-million-acre National Forest.
Today, September 25, 93 days after the storm the Superior National Forest has 7 roads closed. As the forest staff is able to open roads, others are closed due to additional damage since the June 18 storm.
Summary of updates to Exhibit A, Forest Road Updates effective today, September 25, 2024:
- LaCroix Ranger District – FR 493 (Long Lake Road) is now open
- Laurentian Ranger District – FR 104 (Whyte Road), FR 1602 (Trigstad East), and FR 1822 (Trigstad Road) are now open.
- Kawishiwi Ranger District – no changes
- Tofte Ranger District – no changes. Work on Onion River Road will resume after fall colors season concludes, requiring the portion beyond the FR336A Oberg Mountain Trailhead parking lot to be closed again.
The area continues to have an on-going travel advisory due to shoulder and infrastructure erosion that may not be readily apparent to the traveling public, we encourage situational awareness for personal safety. Forest staff encourages interested public to see all related storm updates on the Superior National Forest's website -, see Alerts
Closure Daily Update Log:
- June 24 – Forest Emergency Order effective 12:01am, at the time of release, the SNF had 23 roads, 1 wilderness entry points and no recreation sites closed in Exhibit A.
- June 25 –the SNF had 25 roads, 2 wilderness entry points and no recreation sites. The SNF added 3 roads, opened 1 road and added an entry point.
- June 26- the SNF had 28 roads, 2 wilderness entry points closed.
- June 27- the SNF had 25 roads, 2 wilderness entry points closed.
- June 28- the SNF had 25 roads and 1 wilderness entry point.
- July 1- the SNF had 25 roads & reopened 1 wilderness entry point.
- July 3- the SNF had 22 roads closed and reopened 3.
- July 7- the SNF had 25 roads closed and reopened 0.
- July 10 – the SNF had 23 roads closed, newly closed 2 roads, and reopened 4.
- July 17 – the SNF had 26 and newly closed 3 roads.
- July 24 – the SNF had 25 roads closed, reopened 1 road, and updated the status of 1.
- July 31 – the SNF had 22 roads closed and reopened 3 roads.
- Aug. 7 – the SNF had 16 roads closed and reopened 10 roads, including some not previously listed on Exhibit A.
- Aug. 14 – the SNF had 16 roads closed and updated 2 roads.
- Aug. 29 – the SNF had 23 roads closed, including some not previously listed on Exhibit A.
- September 4 – the SNF had 16 roads closed and reopened seven roads.
- September 11 – the SNF had 14 roads closed, closed one road and reopened three.
- September 18 – the SNF had ten roads closed and reopened four.
- September 25 – the SNF had six roads closed and reopened four
Forest Order Exhibits - The June Storm Restrictions Order Exhibits A and B have been updated (web page will be updated September 19). Exhibit C is no longer in use.
Storm Photos - Available for public use at
Public Notice of Updates - Please be reminded this is an on-going weather event and Forest Order Exhibits will be updated periodically and public notice will be made as updates are posted. (see this link for map and other closures: ).