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Boreal Community Media

Sunken pontoon found on Pike Lake, Cook County Sheriff's Office investigating

Nov 28, 2023 10:00AM ● By Content Editor
Image: Cook County Sheriff's Office

By Laura Durenberger-Grunow - Boreal Community Media - November 28, 2023

On Monday, November 27, the Cook County Sheriff's Office shared in a Facebook post that it is investigating a recently discovered sunken pontoon on Pike Lake. The pontoon, which appears to have been underwater for a long time, was found by someone using an underwater camera for fishing and confirmed by Cook County Search and Rescue "using side-scan sonar equipment", according to the Facebook post. 

Cook County Sheriff Pat Eliasen told Boreal Community Media that according to Minnesota State Statute 86B.107, all motor vehicles or boats must be removed in state-owned waters. If an owner cannot be determined, the responsibility, including cost, sits with the designated County the body of water is located in. 

Due to the time of the year and ice coverage, the actual removal will likely take place in the spring whether an owner is found or the County is responsible. When asked if there were any environmental concerns at this point in time due to the state of the pontoon, Eliasen said "I would have to say no. From the pictures I have seen, there is no motor attached to the boat."

If you have any information regarding the sunken pontoon, including an owner, please reach out to Sheriff Eliasen at 218-387-3030.