Restless: A poem by local Cook County author John A. Bragstad
Feb 27, 2023 11:13AM ● By Content Editor
Photo: Rachel Cook
Author: John Bragstad - Boreal Community Media - February 27, 2023
It remains obscure, indifferent.
It hides and plays peek-a-boo,
Lost in winter's wind.
Author: John Bragstad - Boreal Community Media - February 27, 2023
We cannot see the sun.It remains obscure, indifferent.
It hides and plays peek-a-boo,
Lost in winter's wind.
A hungry moon glances off the water
Not soft but cut against the horizon line.
No cheer, no lantern light
To walk the weary traveler home.
Spring waits. But draws its lines
and then moves them.
Not soft but cut against the horizon line.
No cheer, no lantern light
To walk the weary traveler home.
Spring waits. But draws its lines
and then moves them.
It haunts minds that restlessly pursue,
Wanting to move the wheels of the world.
But then, one day, a break in the weather.
Springs finds us while we are still
muttering to ourselves.
Wanting to move the wheels of the world.
But then, one day, a break in the weather.
Springs finds us while we are still
muttering to ourselves.
Days are now advancing.
And we can finally relax,
knowing we were
along for the ride.
And we can finally relax,
knowing we were
along for the ride.
About the author
John A. Bragstad has been a therapist, working with couples and individuals, for 25 years. He is self-published and is enjoying retirement. Lake Superior is just off his front porch.
He has written three books: Compass Season, Loon Laughter at Midnight, and Who's Watching Whoo? They are available in Grand Marais at Drury Lane and Lake Superior Trading Post, or at