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Boreal Community Media

Great Place Project grant deadline extended

May 20, 2022 10:57AM ● By Content Editor
Dear Chamber Members and VCC Stakeholders:

We've extended by a week the time available to apply for a Great Place Project grant. Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 25.

In this year of transition for the Chamber, with the addition of new programs and a single director model, a concern has been what to do about the Great Place Project. For the past eight years, GPP has annually made about a dozen small grants to businesses, groups and individuals to create small spots of beauty around Cook County.

An initial thought was to put GPP on hiatus for a  year while its future was evaluated. But the Chamber board did not want to totally forgo GPP grants for 2022. So while it decided not to do the annual canoe fund-raising raffle of past years, the board voted to make $5,000 in grants with funds collected in 2021. The grants will be for $250-$1,000.

Several changes will be incorporated into this 2022 GPP program:

●       Applicants must be members of the Chamber. You will find information on how to join here:  If the dues seem out of your reach, please talk with Executive Director Linda Jurek by emailing her at [email protected]

●       Normally we require that projects be finished by the end of July. Because this program is launching so late (and because lingering supply chain issues may hamper completion), we simply ask that you finish them as you are able.

An updated GPP application form is attached or can be downloaded here:

Please print it out, fill it out and submit it, either via mail to P.O. Box 805, Grand Marais, MN 55604, or by scanning and sending it via email to [email protected]  You may also drop off the completed application at the Visit Cook County administrative office, 116 West Highway 61 in downtown Grand Marais.

The deadline for receipt of completed applications is 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 25.

Kind regards,

Jim Boyd