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Video: 80,000 books for sale in Hibbing this weekend

Apr 07, 2022 07:17AM ● By Editor

Watch the WDIO-TV Report here

The 50th annual AAUW Book Sale is back in Hibbing this weekend. Photo: WDIO

From WDIO-TV • April 6, 2022

Book lovers, take note. The 50th annual AAUW Book Sale is back in Hibbing at the armory. For the first time in two years, you'll be able to check out some of the titles that people have donated.

Barb Wojciak, the chair of the book sale, told us, "People come from all over. We have a woman coming from West Virginia, who wants to begin as a book seller. She'll be here all three days. Some people take the day off work. We have the kids come on Friday."

This is a fundraiser for scholarships for area high school girls and women at Hibbing Community College.

The hours are Friday from 9:30am-8pm, and books are $1 each. Then on Saturday it's 9:30am-5:30pm, and $.50 a book. Sunday it's 9:30am-2pm, and $2.00 a bag.

The address is: 2310 Brooklyn Drive.

AAUW stands for American Association of Univesity Women. Their mission is to advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.

To see the original story and read related reporting, follow this link to the WDIO-TV website.