Auditions for the youth rock musical on coming April 11
Apr 06, 2022 01:11PM ● By Editor
The Grand Marais Playhouse will be holding auditions for the rock musical We Will Rock You young@part on April 11 at 3:30 pm at the Arrowhead Center for the Arts. Call backs will be held the next two days as needed.
Vocal rehearsals will begin in April through May. Schedule will depend on role.
Regular cast rehearsals will vary through the remaining school year and then be held June 13-23, Monday – Friday 9-4 PM where we will rehearse the show and learn the choreography.
Performances are June 24-26 & July 1-3. Fridays and Saturdays at 7 PM and Sundays at 2 PM
Auditions are open to ages 11-18. Conflict schedules must be brought to auditions and will influence casting. Changes to conflict schedule after casting may alter roles.
No experience necessary. Cast will learn vocal skills, dance, public speaking, stage presence, ensemble building and collaboration and grow in self-esteem.
The Playhouse strives to have no barriers to participation so please contact the Playhouse with questions. There are no fees for participation in this production.
This production will be directed by Sue Hennessy, Vocal Director- Amanda Engstrom and choreographer, Christine Curtis.
Galileo -A misfit who keeps hearing strange voices and songs in his head which deliver messages he can’t understand, Galileo won’t dress like a Ga Ga kid and has been caught trying to make music.
Scaramouche- Another misfit, who also gets into trouble with the Secret Police, Scaramouche meets Galileo in the hospital and they run away together. Her sharp wit keeps Galileo on his toes and gradually they fall for each other.
Killer Queen is a ruthless businesswoman and is in charge of Global Soft, the worldwide corporation which is responsible for the suppression of all live music. She’s power crazy and tough as well as beautiful.
Khashoggi - He/She works for Killer Queen, getting rid of any creative musical thoughts and going after the Bohemians. Wears sunglasses at all times.
Buddy is an old librarian and comic hippy who has studied the sacred musical texts to the extent that even the Seven Seas of Rhye cannot entirely erase them from his mind.
Oz (Female) and Brit (Male) -Two of the Bohemians who are intent on discovering the secrets of live music and who believe that someone will come who will show the Bohemians the way. When they find Scaramouche and Galileo they are unsure at first but are eventually persuaded that Galileo really does have strange musical lyrics in his head over which he has no control.
Secret Police- These semi-automated characters carry out the bidding of the Killer Queen and Khashoggi.
Ga Ga Kids / Teen Queens - Living in a world of consumerism and downloadable music, the Ga Ga Kids don’t notice their own soulless-ness.
The Bohemians - A group of rebels, determined to fight against Global Soft and its downloadable music. Their base is Tottenham Court Road Tube station and they have taken the names of musical heroes from the past, such as Paul McCartney, Cliff Richard, and Britney Spears.
With Music by Queen. We Will Rock You follows two young rebels as they restore rock ‘n’ roll to “the iPlanet” in a post-apocalyptic world. WE WILL ROCK YOU Young@Part® is a musical for our time: a fist-pumping, foot-stomping anthem to individuality.More information about the show can be found here:
Artistic/ Technical Director
[email protected]
Grand Marais Playhouse