Snacks & Packs Backpack Program Still On-going
Apr 22, 2020 03:59PM ● By EditorFrom Cook County MN - April 22, 2020
Cook County Extension is still supporting the Snacks & Packs Backpack program where bags of food are delivered to free and reduced lunch eligible students each week to make sure these students have food over the weekend.
Cook County ISD 166 buses are delivering the food bags on Friday morning when they deliver lunches. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing a need for more of these food bags.
All funds for this program are donated by grants, local organizations and individuals. If you are interested in donating to this program, please give Diane Booth a call at 387-3015.
Special thanks to sponsors this year: North Shore Federal Credit Union, Cook County Kids Plus, We Connect Inc., Bethlehem Lutheran Church, G.M. Lioness Club, Empty Bowls, Rebel Girls Community Minded Catering, and numerous private individuals. Thank you!