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New Children's Book about Sax-Zim Bog Out Now

Feb 22, 2020 07:23AM ● By Editor

By Amy Adamle of WDIO-TV - February 20, 2020

A new children's book about the Sax-Zim Bog just came out in December and the author, Dana Sanders, is sharing her inspiration for the story.

"The Hidden Treasure of the Sax-Zim Bog" is about a grandmother, her dog, and her two grandchildren.  

"They go on a hike one day along the St. Louis River and they're playing a game of I Spy and they stumble upon a bottle that contains a map to the hidden treasure of the Sax-Zim bog and three magic stones," Sanders said.

The book is available on Amazon and in some local stores

The book is available on Amazon and in some local stores. Image:Dana Sanders

Sanders said the grandma tells a whimsical story about how the bog was once a raging story full of pirates, mermaids, and treasures.

She was inspired to write this after she made a fake treasure map for her two grandkids, Leo and Lucy. 

"It has been so gratifying to share this story," Sanders said.  

She's currently working on book two and is hoping to have it published next fall.

The book is available at Walmart, Barnes and Noble, and on Amazon at this link.  You can also find it at some local stores.  

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