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Boreal Community Media

Life in Grand Marais as a summer J-1 Visa worker - Meet Daniel Beilic

Oct 27, 2019 09:00PM ● By Editor
Daniel Beilic.  Photo:  Boreal Community Media

Exclusive to Boreal Community Media - October 28, 2019

Daniel Beilic, a 20 year old student J1 Visa worker from Romania, was all smiles last Friday evening.  He had just gone to the bank and was packing up, ready to head back to Romania, a place he calls home, on Saturday.  He had a very busy summer, working at Bluewater Cafe, Sydney’s, and the Gunflint Tavern since his arrival here on July 21st.  

When asked how on earth a student from Romania finds Grand Marais on the map and decides to go there to work for the summer, Daniel laughed as he explained how his brother had also worked in Grand Marais the previous summer as part of the J-1 Visa program.   

“Excited, not scary” is how Daniel describes leaving his home, his parents, and his brother.  According to Daniel, it was a “good experience meeting a lot of cool people” while here in Cook County.  Not surprising to hear, but he said that local Cook County residents are “so happy and smiling”. He stayed  with other international workers in “The Bunkhouse” all summer, a dorm-like home that Dan and Melodee Riddle own here in town.  He said that Dan and Melodee are like his American family.  

When he arrives back in Romania, Daniel will continue his studies in Civil Engineering and Architecture.  Although his hometown is small, he attends college in a large city. He shared that the first six years of college are free, but after that, students must pay for any additional education.  Daniel would like to come back to work in the United States after graduation, but in the meantime, he is able to come back to work for six summers on his J-1 Visa.  

Daniel said that the only thing he would change is to do more exploring and activities and work a bit less when he returns next summer.  Oh, and the weather is “So cold here” added Daniel. 

Boreal Community Media would like to thank Daniel and all of the other summer workers who worked hard to make Cook County such a great place to visit.  We would like to wish all of our friends a well-deserved break!

To learn more about the J-1 program, following this link: