Photos: Large crowds enjoy artists and musicians in Hovland.
Jul 05, 2019 04:35PM ● By Editor
Arts and crafts were available inside and out of the Hovland Town Hall on Friday. All photos: Boreal Community Media
From Boreal Community Media - July 5, 2019
The Hovland Summertime Arts Festival kicked off its 14th season with large crowds on Friday turning out to admire and purchase arts and crafts by regional artists and hear some of the North Shore's most beloved musicians perform in the pavilion behind the Hovland Town Hall.
Beth Ambrosen (left) and Kerry Leeds of the Hovland VFD.
A selection of crafts on sale at the Hovland Volunteer Fire Department tent at the Festival.
The Hovland Volunteer Fire Department booth featured arts and crafts from its members to help raise funds for the efforts of their firefighters and search and rescue volunteers. Volunteer members were also on hand to recruit new members to the fire department, as well as first responders and volunteers for the S.T.O.P team.
Artisans and crafters had booths outside of the Hovland Town Hall with several other artists displaying their creative goods inside the Hovland Town Hall. More than 25 different artists were on hand to offer their creations to festival visitors.
Visitors from the Twin Cities area, greater Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Ontario were on hand for the Festival. One attendee hailed from far away Argentina.
Briand Morrison (left) and Roxann Berglund perform in the Music Pavilion behind Hovland Town Hall.
Hovland's own Jim McGowan performs
For more information follow this link to the Hovland Arts Festival website: or their Facebook page at
From Boreal Community Media - July 5, 2019
The Hovland Summertime Arts Festival kicked off its 14th season with large crowds on Friday turning out to admire and purchase arts and crafts by regional artists and hear some of the North Shore's most beloved musicians perform in the pavilion behind the Hovland Town Hall.
Beth Ambrosen (left) and Kerry Leeds of the Hovland VFD.
A selection of crafts on sale at the Hovland Volunteer Fire Department tent at the Festival.
The Hovland Volunteer Fire Department booth featured arts and crafts from its members to help raise funds for the efforts of their firefighters and search and rescue volunteers. Volunteer members were also on hand to recruit new members to the fire department, as well as first responders and volunteers for the S.T.O.P team.
Artisans and crafters had booths outside of the Hovland Town Hall with several other artists displaying their creative goods inside the Hovland Town Hall. More than 25 different artists were on hand to offer their creations to festival visitors.
Visitors from the Twin Cities area, greater Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Ontario were on hand for the Festival. One attendee hailed from far away Argentina.
Visitors checking out some of the many artisan tents on the Festival ground.
Artists and crafters are also inside the Hovland Town Hall.
Music all day long
Musical performances were scheduled for both days, with Roxann Berglund, Briand Morrison, Jim McGown and Pushing Chain performing Friday. Joe Paulik, Briand Morrison and Rod and Caribou performed on Saturday. The music pavilion featured sketch books for the audience to leave their own words and pictures of appreciation. Donations for musicians are also welcome.
Briand Morrison (left) and Roxann Berglund perform in the Music Pavilion behind Hovland Town Hall.
Hovland's own Jim McGowan performs
Pushing Chain performed Friday afternoon
For more information follow this link to the Hovland Arts Festival website: or their Facebook page at