Woodland Caribou/Bloodvein River Canoe Trip

Woodland Caribou/Bloodvein River Canoe Trip
April 22 | 4:15pm-5pm | At CCHE
Presenters & Partners: Canoeing with Confidence & Neva Maxwell
Woodland Caribou Provincial Park & the Bloodvein River - 220 Miles with a 21-month-old in 20 Days Join us in-person to hear from Neva Maxwell on her family’s canoe camping trip across Canada’s Woodland Caribou Provincial Park and Bloodvein River and to meet other paddlers to network and build community! This presentation will include the highlight reel of wilderness tripping with a toddler, details on their unique route, and tips for other paddlers and families dreaming of traveling beyond the BWCA/Quetico and taking the adventure further north!
Date & Time
April 22, 2024
4:15PM - 5:00PM
More Info
Sightseeing & Local Attractions Seminars & Training Parenting Other Nutrition & Fitness Nature & Outdoors Kids & Family Health & Wellness camping canoe trip conoeing woodland caribou provincial park bloodvein river wilderness tripping paddlers wilderness Grand Marais Hovland / Arrowhead Trail Grand Portage Gunflint Trail Lutsen Hovland Tofte / Schroeder