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Boreal Community Media

New Minnesota state seal officially selected

Dec 06, 2023 10:05AM ● By Content Editor
Image: State Emblems Redesign Commission

By Laura Durenberger-Grunow - Boreal Community Media Exclusive - December 6, 2032

Minnesota's state bird is officially on the newly designed state seal. On Tuesday, January 5, the State Emblems Redesign Commission (SERC) voted unanimously on the design, which will be the basis of the seal. According to SERC, "Aspects of the design may still be modified, including dates, language, design of the stars, and color of the loon’s eye." The Commission received over 5,000 comments before selecting the seal. 

SERC has until the end of the year to select new designs that will replace the current state flag and emblem. The new designs will go into effect in May 2024 unless the Minnesota Legislature vetoes them. 

The next meeting will be held on December 12, and will include seal modification discussions, as well as continuing to move forward on selecting a design for the new state flag. You can see the six flag designs up for consideration here. 

 Different state seal design options - SERC

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