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It's not a meteor? Beltrami County Emergency Management Team and NASA say flash and boom caught on camera near Bemidji unlikely to be meteor

Nov 15, 2023 08:38AM ● By Content Editor
Photo: A still image of the bright flash that many residents reported on Nov 13

By Laura Durenberger-Grunow - Boreal Community Media - November 15, 2023

On November 13, 2023, dozens of witnesses reported a flash, followed by a loud, thunderous boom that shook windows and houses and set off car alarms. A resident from Nymore, Minnesota, submitted a video caught on their security camera of the incident, where it was believed to be a meteor. 

On November 14, additional video footage from the Bemidji Regional Airport was obtained that appeared to show a streak of light around the same time, and both videos were sent to a scientist and astronomer from NASA. Upon thorough review, including viewing the videos frame by frame, it was determined that the Bemidji Airport footage was not related, but the video from the Nymore resident did not show evidence that the incident was caused by a meteor. As to what it was, officials aren't sure.

Additionally, law enforcement searched the area and did not find any damage or evidence of a "crash site". No reports have been made by local residents. 

The Beltrami County Emergency Management team has stated that unless there are new developments or a definitive cause, no further updates will be issued. 

You can read the full Facebook post below. 

You can see the initial video here.