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Cook County Local Energy Project Community Event raises awareness around clean energy accessibility, provides community examples of systems in action

Oct 16, 2023 09:30AM ● By Content Editor
Photo: The outside unit of the Air Source Heat Pump System collects or dissipates heat and then moves energy to the indoor unit, which circulates the hot or cold air. All photos by Haley Brickner.

By Haley Brickner - Boreal Community Media - October 16, 2023

On Sunday, October 15, 2023, the Cook County Local Energy Project (CCLEP) hosted the Clean Energy Community Event. 

CCLEP is a nonprofit organization that promotes use of renewable energy and the application of energy-efficient practices and technologies in Cook County. Kat Meyo, Executive Director of CCLEP, shared that the event's purpose was to learn about the potential of clean energy, raise awareness about resources that make it more accessible, and inspire people to move away from non-renewable sources. 

The Clean Energy Community Event began with presentations on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) from Orion DiFranco, a member of Senator Tina Smith's office. Signed into law on August 16, 2022, the IRA increases access to clean energy by making it more affordable through tax incentives and rebates. 

The event included a tour of local organizations and residents who switched to clean energy technologies using federal rebates, tax credits, and programs. 

Stops on the tour included the Grand Marais Public Library with its new air source heat and cooling system, North House Folk School to look at the new electric Hjordis motor and solar panels on some of the buildings, and the home of Chico Hathaway to see a residential solar project. 

CCLEP offers many resources to facilitate the transition toward locally controlled, low-carbon energy production in Cook County. 

For more information:

 The event included presentations on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) from Orion DiFranco, a member of Senator Tina Smith's Office, a law that makes clean energy more affordable

Participants enjoyed refreshments, networked, and checked out display tables

A display shows how individuals and organizations can save money on clean energy with the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)

Art to End Fossil Fuels is a project that uses visual art to make the climate crisis and its impacts visible. The art is created by artists who are directly experiencing climate-related disasters

The tour began with the Grand Marais Public Library Air Source Heat Pump System, a highly efficient technology for heating and cooling indoor areas

Liv Sulerud, Administrative Director of the North House Folk School, explains the new electric motor on the Hjordis, which replaced an older diesel engine. The new motor is quiet, energy-efficient, and odor and fume-free

Participants learn about the solar panels on the Milling Shop and the Green Building on the North House Folk School campus

Chico Hathaway shows the solar panel array on his Grand Marais home

 Hathaway explains the equipment needed to deliver solar power to his home, including the meter, safety switch, and combiner