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Boreal Community Media

Blood Drive for Payton: the first one was so nice, the Quaife family is doing it twice

Jun 13, 2023 01:25PM ● By Content Editor
Photo: Laura Durenberger-Grunow

By Laura Durenberger-Grunow - Boreal Community Media - June 13, 2023

This past March, Tim, Courtney, and Payton Quaife, in partnership with Memorial Blood Center, held a blood drive at Mike's Holiday in Grand Marais to honor their daughter Payton.

In 2022, 13-year-old Payton was diagnosed with the autoimmune disease Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura, or ITP. 

Payton's mom, Courtney, told Boreal Community Media that part of Payton's treatments includes receiving transfusions of "blood products". In fact, at the time of the initial interview in February, Payton had received roughly the equivalent of 66 donors worth, which served as the goal for the drive. 

Despite some typical March winter weather, 81 donors showed up to give blood - many for the first time in many year (or ever). 

In a 
follow-up interview with Courtney, she shared that "The units that were collected could potentially save 243 lives."

Well, the March blood drive was so successful they're doing it again - this time July 25th and 26th - and they have a new goal. 

ur goal is to fill all 134 slots. This includes 13 double RBC slots and 121 whole blood, regular, donation," Quaife said. 

If you're interested in signing up to donate, you can email Courtney Quaife at 
[email protected]. Please include a contact number, your full name, preferred date and time (or say open to any time), and if you want to do a regular donation or double.

You can also sign into your hub to schedule a date and time. If you don't have an account, you can create one here: You can also go to

The Memorial Blood Donation truck will be parked at Mike's Holiday in Grand Marais. 

Finally, word about Payton and her and her family's commitment to giving back is spreading. Courtney mentioned that Payton is going to be featured on Duluth-based Northern News Now for a Memorial Blood Center recipient story in the near future.