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Boreal Community Media

District 166 Parent Teacher Association needs new board and community members; at risk of disbanding

Feb 16, 2023 08:23AM ● By Content Editor
Photo: PTA Facebook Page

By Laura Durenberger-Grunow - Boreal Community Media - February 16, 2023

The District 166 Parent Teacher Association does a lot behind the scenes for the Cook County schools. The group acts as a big link between parents, community, and the school. Additionally, the PTA helps to make students and staff feel seen, loved, and appreciated through sponsored events and activities. 

Some of the PTA sponsored events include:
  • Two Scholastic book fairs each year
  • Many Tiny Lights Ice Luminary Event in Grand Marais
  • Teacher Appreciation Week activities 
  • Spring Color Run
  • Special Student Lunches
  • Readathon
  • End of year student ice cream treats
  • Snacks and goodies for teachers during conferences
Unfortunately, since COVID, the District 166 PTA has struggled to recruit board and community members. Without board and a certain number of community members, the PTA cannot function and will be forced to disband. 

Boreal Community Media spoke with Marcela Perez-Abreu, PTA President to learn more. 

"PTA needs at least 20 members to stay active with MnPTA. We need just three more community members this year," Perez-Abreu said. 

Membership costs $10 a year, and community members can determine their own level of commitment. 

Perez-Abreu shared that some community members choose to end their commitment after the $10 payment, but some volunteer a little or a lot throughout the year.

Some benefits of being part of the PTA, according to Perez-Abreu, are:
  • joining is a great way to get to know and give back to your local school
  • a great way to get to know school staff
  • it's fun!

As for board members, Perez-Abreu says that they are in dire need. 

"Treasurer and Secretary positions are up as of this school year's end. I have been president since early 2020, as no one else has stepped up for the position. I've stayed on hoping to not disband the PTA, but I will be stepping down at summer's end."  

Board meetings happen every other month, with some exceptions depending on upcoming activities or events. 

Meetings are usually the first Tuesday of each month 4:30-5:30 at the ISD 166 Elementary Library. Kids are always welcome. 

"All board positions are a two year term. It's low time commitment for big results for our students and staff," Perez-Abreu added.

To learn more about the District 166 PTA, visit: or on Facebook at:

To learn more about becoming a board member, you can email: [email protected]

To become a community member, scan the QR code below for more information: