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Boreal Community Media

Winter Home Safety

Dec 29, 2022 03:13PM ● By Editor

From the Cook County Emergency Management Department • December 29, 2022

Cook County Emergency Management would like to share some friendly winter safety reminders as we move into the new year and rest of winter.

Many of us use wood for heating. Please make sure to burn clean, dry wood, and most importantly, have your chimney cleaned frequently.

Your home should be equipped with smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Make sure they are in good working order. Test them often and replace old batteries.

Check your furnace and dryer vents to ensure they are not clogged. Keep snow cleared away from these vents.

Emergency vehicles such as fire trucks and ambulances need a lot of room. Have your driveway plowed wide enough to allow adequate access.

 It is easy to inadvertently pile snow in front of your blue Address Number sign. Move all snow away from the sign so that your number can be seen clearly from both directions.

Portable and space heaters are nice in the winter, but please be sure not to use extension cords or have them too close to combustibles.

If you have a fire hydrant near your home, be kind and remove all the snow around them so that fire crews can quickly access them in case of an emergency.

Let’s all enjoy our winter wonderland in a safe way.  Happy New Year!

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