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Boreal Community Media

Grand Marais Dog Park Grand Opening

Sep 08, 2022 10:33AM ● By Content Editor
Photo: Go Dog North Shore Facebook 

From Go Dog North Shore - September 7, 2022

Go Dog North Shore will host a grand opening celebration and volunteer appreciation Saturday, September 10th from noon until 2 pm at the new Grand Marais Dog Park!  Members of the public, supporters and volunteers are encouraged to stop by to explore the new community park. Go Dog North Shore board members will be onsite to answer questions about our organization, the park project and swap dog stories! Cake and coffee will be provided. The dedication plaques for those who donated at the Fence Builder sponsorship level will also be installed and ready for viewing at this time.  

In addition, local fiber artists Vicki Biggs-Anderson and Erica Hahn have contributed a beautiful hand-knit shawl and several pairs of felted mittens to help raise funds for GDNS's dog park operating budget. Attendees will have the opportunity to take home one of these items when you meet the suggested donation level. We hope to see you there!  

Related: The first designated off-leash space for dogs between Duluth and Thunder Bay is coming to Grand Marais: an interview with Cathy Quinn of Go Dog North Shore