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Drivers encouraged to review bus safety laws as kids head back to school

Sep 06, 2022 09:46AM ● By Content Editor
Photo: I Drive Safely

By Hanna Conway - KSTP 5 News - September 6, 2022

KSTP traffic reporter Hanna Conway is reminding drivers to brush up on traffic laws for sharing the road with school buses now that Minnesota kids are back in the classroom.

The following school bus safety tips are provided by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety:

  • Motorists must stop at least 20 feet from a school bus that is displaying red flashing lights and/or is extending its stop arm when approaching from the rear and from the opposite direction on undivided roads.
  • Red flashing lights on buses indicate students are either entering or exiting the bus.
  • Motorists are not required to stop for a bus if the bus is on the opposite side of a separated roadway, such as roadways with a median, but they should remain alert for children.
  • Altering a route or schedule to avoid a bus is one way motorists can help improve safety. In doing so, motorists won’t find themselves behind a bus and as a result, won’t potentially put children at risk.
  • Watch for school crossing patrols and pedestrians. Reduce speeds in and around school zones.
  • Watch and stop for pedestrians. The law applies to all street corners, for both marked and unmarked crosswalks. Every corner is a crosswalk.

DPS also reminds school bus passengers to avoid running or engaging in rowdy behavior when boarding and leaving buses. Caregivers are encouraged to discuss pedestrian safety and respect for bus drivers with children.

To read this original story and more news, follow this link to the KSTP 5 News website.