Great Lakes Aquarium holds birthday celebration for two special otters
Apr 11, 2022 06:18AM ● By Editor
There was a double birthday extravaganza Saturday at the Great Lakes Aquarium for some very special residents.
Otters Agate and Ore turned 9 years old and celebrated their golden birthday.
To commemorate the special day, staff served otter birthday cake and held a full day of activities including craft making for kids.
According to organizers, the otters came to the aquarium when they were about 6 months old, and have become more and more popular with visitors over the years.

“So we’ve really gotten to know their personalities and watch them grow over the years and kind of become their own otters. They’ve got different personalities, so it’s really fun and they’re definitely a fan favorite for sure, very charismatic and very playful,” said Natalie Riemer, Senior Animal Care Specialist at the Great Lakes Aquarium.
For people who attended the celebration, the otters had a wish list of presents they’d like, including clean fleece blankets, microfiber rugs, and dish soap.
Those who brought a gift valued at $5 or more received a complimentary stuffed animal in return.
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