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Minnesota State Patrol stops drunk driver who was five times over legal limit

Jul 19, 2021 04:57AM ● By Editor
From KMSP-TV Fox 9 News - July 18, 2021

Minnesota State Patrol is urging drivers not to take a chance on the roads after a recent drunk driving stop in Edina where officials say the driver had a dangerously high blood-alcohol level.

In a tweet on Saturday, troopers say they stopped a driver on Highway 169 at Highway 62 who was drunk with a child in the vehicle. During tests, troopers say the man blew a .402 BAC on the breathalyzer -- more than five times the legal limit.

According to health experts, blood-alcohol concentration levels above .4 are extremely dangerous and can put some individuals to slip into a coma. It's unclear what medical attention, if any, the driver needed.

"If you are going to drink, stay home or line up a sober ride," wrote the Minnesota State Patrol Twitter account. "Don't put others at risk."

 To see the original report and read related stories, follow this link to the Fox 9 News website.