Letter from Cook County Schools Superintendent Regarding Fall Learning
Aug 21, 2020 02:11PM ● By Editor
August 21, 2020
Good afternoon Cook County School Families,
School start date will remain the same on September 3rd, but the first instructional day will begin on Tuesday, September 8th with students attending their personal schedule and classes in a distance learning setting.
Parents and families can expect the homeroom teacher to set up an intake conference during the day for September 3rd or 4th. Students will start their official schedules and meeting with teachers on September 8th.
There will be a family meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 2nd from 3:30-4:30 pm, during our typical open house time, a 6th grade orientation will be held at 4:30 pm and a 9th grade orientation at 5:30 pm. These meetings will be held using Zoom conference, links to be posted. We will be accommodating families that cannot connect to this conference with a phone number to call in and the meeting will be recorded for families to view at a later time.
All of our students will be getting devices this year for school. The elementary will be using a tablet and the middle and high school will be using a chromebook. We are working on the process of how the devices will be distributed. Part of the process will require a parent/guardian signature. We are looking at doing distribution the week of September 3rd - September 4th.
We are starting out the year with a distance learning model. We will be reviewing the distance learning plan at mid quarter, October 2nd. We will be looking at how distance learning is working and if any changes need to occur.
Families can find the complete distance learning plan on the top of our website by clicking on the button that says “Cook County Restart Plans and Information”.
The entire staff of the Cook County School District appreciates your support and understands in this time of uncertainty a strong partnership aids greatly in the success of all learners.
Dr. Crandall