Remembering Mark Patten: A Legacy of Faith, Family, and Love
Mar 28, 2019 04:18PM ● By EditorThe Patten family in 1982.
After a battle with ALS, Mark Patten passed away on Saturday, March 16 at the age of 67. At a time when his heart was grieving, his son, Jake, shared some memories with Boreal.
Jake Patten said that some of his fondest memories of times with his father included a trip to Northern Canada on a float plane, putting together and painting model airplanes, and grouse hunting together.
A life lesson that his father instilled in his family is the importance of trust in relationships. Their call in life was to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and everything else is but an assignment.” Mark 12:30. Many of the family’s lifelong relationships were birthed at Okontoe, up on the Gunflint Trail. According to Jake, “Okontoe has been a unique model of the Body of Christ, which challenges me in life to not slide into the status quo, but to continually look for opportunities to serve others, out of love for the Lord.”
According to his family, Mark inspired people to a whole-hearted commitment to Christ. “A holy life is a voice. It speaks when the tongue is silent and is either a constant attraction or a perpetual reproof” – Unknown.
Mark will be missed by so many, but comfort is taken in the fact that he is home. His legacy will never be forgotten.
Celebration of Life Service for Mark Patten
Saturday, March 30, 1:00 pm
Cook County High School Gymnasium
101 Fifth Street
Grand Marais, Minnesota
Coffee and Cookie Fellowship, immediately following service
Go rest high on that mountain
Son, your work on earth is done.
Go to heaven a-shoutin'
Love for the Father and the Son.
~Vince Gill
Celebration of Life Service for Mark Patten