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Boreal Community Media

February News from Dr. William Crandall, Superintendent of Cook County Schools

Feb 12, 2019 12:55PM ● By Editor
From Boreal Community Media - February 12, 2019

February 2019 News from Dr. William Crandall, Superintendent of Cook County Schools

February is I Love To Read Month. This is a great time to read with your child.
  • Share your enthusiasm and interest in reading with your children.
  • Provide children with a reading area at home.
  • Encourage children to set aside time every day for reading.

  • Read to children and encourage them to read to you.
  • Have children try crossword puzzles and other word puzzles.
  • Encourage children to read daily news stories and general interest magazine articles.
  • Discuss current events and stories you read.

High School Parents 
It is scholarship season. Have your high school senior reach out to the guidance office to apply for the many scholarships available in our region including state and national scholarship opportunities.

Registration time is starting in our high school. Sit down and review the different options for courses with your middle and high schooler. Look at a pathway to get your child best prepared for what they may desire to do following high school. Our counselors are a great resource for parents and students to assist in guiding students through the registration process.

Substitute teachers and paraprofessionals are needed in our schools. Please consider becoming a substitute teacher or paraprofessional for our schools. Please contact us and we will provide you with information regarding what is needed to become a substitute.

Our Cook County School staff is excited and looking forward to an outstanding spring. We are in the middle of our winter and making adjustments everyday to meet our student's educational needs. We thank you for allowing us to work with a precious resource in our communities, the children. We encourage all residents to come to the schools for concerts, athletic events, volunteering in classrooms and see what great things are taking place in the Cook County School Schools.

If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns regarding the schools or the district please contact the Cook County School District office at 218-387-2271 or by email at [email protected].