Public Library to host Summer Reading Picnic on Saturday, August 18.
Aug 02, 2018 02:25PM ● By Editor
Grand Marais Public Library will once again hold a summer picnic to celebrate the end of summer and the summer reading program on Saturday, August 18, at 11:00 am, rain or shine. The event is scheduled to be held on the library lawn.
Calling all Kids! Parents, Grandparents and Friends too! This event is open to everyone in the community who would like to attend, to support the kids that have participated over the summer, and to encourage kids’ continued interest in reading.
The celebration starts with interactive stories for families by author and storyteller Rose Arrowsmith DeCoux. A picnic lunch provided by Gene’s IGA, Johnson’s Foods and the Cook County Whole Foods Co-op will follow. Activities on the lawn will include a bubble table, story stroll, kid friendly tattoos, and more. This fun family day is brought to you by your 5 Star Grand Marais Public Library. If it rains we’ll take over the library, so think sunny thoughts!
Grand Marais Public Library
104 2ndAve W, Box 280
Grand Marais, MN 55604
Contact: Steve Harsin, Director (218) 387-1140
[email protected]