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Boreal Community Media

Community Storytelling Series

Feb 23, 2018 02:55PM ● By Editor

Community Storytelling Series, March 16, 2018, 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the Cook County Schools Cafeteria, 101 W 5th St., Grand Marais, MN

Community Storytelling Series

The community storytelling experience provides an interactive, sustainable framework for developing a growth mindset in racial equity for all members of a school community.  The complete sequence includes ten, 60-90 minute storytelling modules.  Communities of learners can commit to a full year of storytelling, select from a variety of storytelling modules, and/or create a tailored plan for engaging stakeholders in conversations about race and equity.  At each session, facilitators coach participants through a series of engagement activities in order to support individual and group development.  

Storytelling Date:  March 16, 2018 

Topic:  Community Storytelling: The Big Picture Examining Our Values and Voices

All Meetings are at 5:00 pm in the Cook County Schools Cafeteria, 101 W 5th St., Grand Marais, MN