Dark Sky Caravan
The Marshall W. Alworth Planetarium is gearing up to hit the road again for our 7th annual Dark Sky Caravan on August 5th - 10th!
August 10 - the Geo-Dome will be available for sky viewing at the Schaap Community Center on the Gunflint Trail from 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm.
We are on a journey to celebrate and preserve Northeast Minnesota’s dark sky window to the universe.
The Dark Sky Caravan will begin on August 5 and will end on August 10 in the footprint of the darkest night sky in the US east of the Mississippi.
Each day brings the caravan to a new destination where there will be free programming for all. Minnesota is home to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) which is the largest International Dark Sky Sanctuary in the world.
To celebrate our dark skies, Planetarium staff will be traveling along the North Shore stopping at different locations each night for a star party. You can enjoy fun activities and presentations or planetarium shows while the Sun is setting. Once it gets dark, you can gaze through telescopes and get a live sky tour of the stars and constellations visible. We will also be on the lookout for meteors from the Perseid meteor shower which peaks Aug 12th-13th.
If it’s cloudy, don’t worry! We will still have fun activities and digital sky tours so you can learn what to look for when it clears up.
Grab your bug spray and come join us for some fun under the stars!
For more information visit: https://scse.d.umn.edu/marshall.../public-showsevents/events
The Planetarium is very thankful to the Gunflint Trail Historical Society, Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center, Low Light Experiences, and Visit Cook County for their help in planning, coordinating, and running the Dark Sky Caravan!
Date & Time
August 10, 2024
8:00PM - 11:00PM
A. Paul and Carol Schaap Community Center - 7401 Gunflint Trail, Grand Marais, MN, 55604
Participating Businesses
Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center