Today's Forecast
Feb 12, 2025 05:34AM ● By Content Editor
From the National Weather Service • Duluth • February 12, 2025
A pretty quiet and cold day for most today, with a mix of sun and clouds. Across portions of NW WI and the far eastern tip of Cook County, a little light snow is possible. Another round of temperatures well below zero is expected Wednesday night into Thursday morning.

Our next round of a quick hit of accumulating snow is expected Friday afternoon into early Saturday morning. A couple inches of snow is possible across NW WI and along the I-35 corridor into the Twin Ports, with lesser amounts further west and north.
A pretty quiet and cold day for most today, with a mix of sun and clouds. Across portions of NW WI and the far eastern tip of Cook County, a little light snow is possible. Another round of temperatures well below zero is expected Wednesday night into Thursday morning.

Our next round of a quick hit of accumulating snow is expected Friday afternoon into early Saturday morning. A couple inches of snow is possible across NW WI and along the I-35 corridor into the Twin Ports, with lesser amounts further west and north.