Weekly Conservation Officer Reports for Northeast Minnesota
May 04, 2024 06:42AM ● By EditorPhoto: Boreal Community Media files
From the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - April 29, 2024
District 6 - Two Harbors area
Last updated: 2024-04-29CO Sean Williams (Ely #1) reports: very little ATV and angling activity was found over the week. Cool weather and occasional rain have temporarily decreased fire danger during green up. A good number of contacts were made with folks attempting to locate running suckers, but very few fish seen for the opening spearing weekend.
CO Brent Ihnen (Ely #2) spent the week patrolling for fishing and boating activity. Additional time was spent checking trapping activity.
CO Thomas Wahlstrom (Grand Marais) checked anglers along the north shore, trapping activity and monitored fishing closures. The officer talked with students about becoming a Conservation Officer at the Cook County career fair and attended the YMCA healthy kids day with other area officers.
CO Hudson Ledeen (Grand Marais 2) reports spring beaver trappers and steelhead anglers continue to hit the rivers and creeks. Water levels have risen significantly with the recent rain fall. CO Ledeen also spent time talking to students at the Cook County High School Career Fair about the education and career path to becoming a Conservation Officer.
CO Anthony Bermel (Babbitt) spent time checking beaver traps, minnow traps, anglers, ATVs and working the spring fish run. A detail was worked at the Rainy River. Enforcement action was taken for commercial minnow trapping violations, unattended line, and boating safety laws.
CO Trent Anderson (Tofte) focused on angling and trapping enforcement for the week. Time was spent patrolling area forest roads for ATV activity. Equipment maintenance was conducted.
CO Don Murray (Two Harbors) worked North Shore stream angling activities and spring beaver trapping. Recent rainfall has increased water levels in the area making for some fast water on most streams. Enforcement action was taken on illegal burning activity and a wetland violation.
Silver Bay vacant.