Meet your Cook County neighbor: Linda Garrity
Jun 19, 2023 06:26AM ● By Editor
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A Boreal Community Media Exclusive - June 18, 2023
How did you "land" in Cook County? Would you share your journey with us of how you came to be here?
My daughter, Sammie, and I landed in Cook County in 2008. As a single parent I was really searching for a slower-paced and more enriching environment to raise my daughter, and finding such a place naturally brought us to our beloved North Shore. Once we finished up the remodeling of a property in Minneapolis and sold it, we loaded up our 1976 Chevy Cheyenne and drove north, to a wonderful little log cabin we rented on Tait Lake. 15 years later and 17 remodel jobs/moves later we are back on Tait Lake! That’s “full circle” at its finest I guess.
Will you share a bit with us your thoughts about the real estate trends that you have been seeing since the pandemic?
I have been in the world of real estate for about 30 years, 15 of those years here on the shore. When the pandemic hit I knew there’d be a major change in housing needs, trends and patterns but I could never have predicted the intensity and fast pace in which it worked its way up 35E and Hwy. 61! Wow. The pace in which people were relocating to “the woods and water” was wild. Multiple offers became the norm, offers thousands of dollars over list prices, frustrated buyers who lost out on several offers, unheard of interest rates. We are currently experiencing low inventory so multiple offers are still in play. With the jump to higher interest rates, the frustrated buyers who’ve chosen to “take a break from searching” and the increased listing prices, we’ve started to see a slight slow-down. These factors combined with the immense need for local affordable housing keep us scratching our heads.
You are now the owner/broker of Songbird Realty. Can you share more about that and how someone can reach out to you with their real estate needs?
I have always wanted to have my own real estate company and becoming the broker/owner of Songbird Realty MN has finally come! Exciting and energizing stuff. When I found that the ideal location was up for sale I decided to move forward in this endeavor. I’m still working on some remodeling/updating of the space but I am absolutely reachable by email or phone if I’m not in the office.
[email protected]
Best advice that you were even given and why was it so impactful?
I would have to say that the beat advice I ever received was from my grandma. She was a woman ahead of her time as they say. She told me, when I was 10 or 11, “Always be able to support yourself and work hard. Count on yourself as there are no guarantees.” While it may sound a bit edgy/harsh it sure has turned out to be sound advice!
What is your favorite holiday memory, either as a child growing up or one that you have created with your daughter?
My daughter and I are usually on the road on Christmas Day/Night when most restaurants are closed between the North Shore and the cities. Oddly enough, year after year, we challenge each other in a “who can create the best gas station Christmas dinner” contest. It’s harder than one may think!
A Boreal Community Media Exclusive - June 18, 2023
How did you "land" in Cook County? Would you share your journey with us of how you came to be here?
My daughter, Sammie, and I landed in Cook County in 2008. As a single parent I was really searching for a slower-paced and more enriching environment to raise my daughter, and finding such a place naturally brought us to our beloved North Shore. Once we finished up the remodeling of a property in Minneapolis and sold it, we loaded up our 1976 Chevy Cheyenne and drove north, to a wonderful little log cabin we rented on Tait Lake. 15 years later and 17 remodel jobs/moves later we are back on Tait Lake! That’s “full circle” at its finest I guess.
Congratulations on being a proud mom of a graduating senior. You have raised an amazing young daughter who shared the magical story of her upbringing in Cook County. What tips do you have for others who want to model your successful parenting style?
What is your favorite go-to spot in Cook County to unwind and relax?
Will you share a bit with us your thoughts about the real estate trends that you have been seeing since the pandemic?
I have been in the world of real estate for about 30 years, 15 of those years here on the shore. When the pandemic hit I knew there’d be a major change in housing needs, trends and patterns but I could never have predicted the intensity and fast pace in which it worked its way up 35E and Hwy. 61! Wow. The pace in which people were relocating to “the woods and water” was wild. Multiple offers became the norm, offers thousands of dollars over list prices, frustrated buyers who lost out on several offers, unheard of interest rates. We are currently experiencing low inventory so multiple offers are still in play. With the jump to higher interest rates, the frustrated buyers who’ve chosen to “take a break from searching” and the increased listing prices, we’ve started to see a slight slow-down. These factors combined with the immense need for local affordable housing keep us scratching our heads.
You are now the owner/broker of Songbird Realty. Can you share more about that and how someone can reach out to you with their real estate needs?
I have always wanted to have my own real estate company and becoming the broker/owner of Songbird Realty MN has finally come! Exciting and energizing stuff. When I found that the ideal location was up for sale I decided to move forward in this endeavor. I’m still working on some remodeling/updating of the space but I am absolutely reachable by email or phone if I’m not in the office.
[email protected]
I would have to say that the beat advice I ever received was from my grandma. She was a woman ahead of her time as they say. She told me, when I was 10 or 11, “Always be able to support yourself and work hard. Count on yourself as there are no guarantees.” While it may sound a bit edgy/harsh it sure has turned out to be sound advice!
What is your favorite holiday memory, either as a child growing up or one that you have created with your daughter?
My daughter and I are usually on the road on Christmas Day/Night when most restaurants are closed between the North Shore and the cities. Oddly enough, year after year, we challenge each other in a “who can create the best gas station Christmas dinner” contest. It’s harder than one may think!