NE Minnesota Man Breaks Paddleboarding Record in B.W.C.A.
Sep 15, 2022 10:22AM ● By Content EditorBy Ken Slama - Fox 21 News - September 14, 2022
A Duluth man has broken the record for the fastest trip across the Boundary Waters Canoe Area from Sha-Sha Resort near International Falls to Grand Portage on a standup paddleboard.
Mike Ward completed the 250 mile trek in 5 days, 10 hours and 31 minutes. It is an historic indigenous route that was used for hunting and trading for centuries. Several paddleboarders and canoers make the trek every year and Mike was excited to meet some of them upon his arrival in Grand Portage, including the previous record holder.
“That was really the icing on the cake, to be at Grand Portage at the lodge there, to meet all these different paddlers, canoe teams, and Scott, previous record holder, I got to shake his hand at the end. It was just so cool to share the comradery and share tips and tricks, and war stories,” said Mike Ward.
After several years of prep and training, Mike was ready this year with his a customized 14 foot Surftech paddleboard, along with minimal camping gear, one change of clothes, calorie dense food, and a water filter. While the goal of setting the record was on his mind, it was impossible for him to not take in the beauty and history of the area.
“The whole route is just amazingly beautiful. The scenery, it’s endless. What was really fun was being able to think of all the people who have travelled this route before me, from indigenous people for hundreds, thousands of years,” said Ward.
Mark encourages other to give the route a shot and whether or not you break his record, you won’t be sad that you tried.
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