Police say man arrested after burglary and barricade situation in Virginia
Jul 30, 2022 05:48AM ● By Editor
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By Renee Passal from WDIO-TV • July 29, 2022
By Renee Passal from WDIO-TV • July 29, 2022
Police in Virginia said they arrested a man after a burglary call on Friday morning. They responded to a home on the 300 block of 1st Street North around 10am.
The reporting party told dispatch that an unknown person was barricaded in the basement and garage area. Law enforcement said the suspect would not come out. They used less than lethal munitions, and other methods like a taser and a K-9.
A deputy and three officers had minor injuries. The suspect was treated and released from the hospital for minor injuries, and then booked in the jail.
To see the original report and read related stories, follow this link to the WDIO-TV website. https://www.wdio.com/front-page/police-say-man-arrested-after-burglary-and-barricade-situation-in-vi...