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9/11 War Exhibit at Depot in Duluth this weekend

Apr 30, 2022 04:49AM ● By Editor

Photos: Fox 21 News

By  Natalie Noury from Fox 21 News • April 29, 2022

A new exhibit is debuting at the depot this weekend to honor and remember the victims and the heroes of 911, along with those who served in the war that followed.

The Saint Louis County Historical Society and the Minnesota Military and Veterans Museum are hosting this exhibit called Resolute: Minnesota Stories of 911 and the War.

The exhibit features different stories and artifacts of Minnesotans who were there during that tragic day and on the frontlines of the war that followed it. The center of the exhibit also stages a fragment of the world trade center that was salvaged from the site.


“I encourage folks to come down and check it out, just as one way to honor folks who have served since 911. Chances are you have a family member, a neighbor, a friend, a family member who was in some way impacted, help to understand the context of that service by visiting this exhibit,” Randal Dietrich, Executive Director, Minnesota Military & Veterans Museum

The exhibit will be set up through Saturday it is free and open to the public during the depots hours of operation which is 10 till 5.

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