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Avoid eating Ocean Mist Romaine Hearts sold in the Northland

Apr 01, 2022 06:48AM ● By Editor
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture advises avoiding eating Ocean Mist Farms brand Romaine Hearts sold in Duluth and Two Harbors due Cyclospora. |  Photo: Minnesota Department of Agriculture.

From WDIO-TV • March 31, 2022

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is advising consumers to avoid eating Ocean Mist Farms brand Romaine Hearts (Coeurs de laitue Romaine) due to Clyclospora found during routine sampling. The products have been sold across Minnesota, including Duluth and Two Harbors.

Clyclospora is a parasite that can cause an intestinal infection called cyclosporiasis. Customers who purchased the product should not eat it. The Romaine Hearts have the coding “22RHDM2L” and a harvest date of “MAR 10,” grown in Coachella, CA on the label.

According to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, the Ocean Mist Farms brand Romaine Hearts lettuce (22 oz. package) was sourced from Ocean Mist Farms of Castroville, CA. The product was sold at the Super One Plaza in Duluth, Super One West in Duluth, and Super One in Two Harbors. The product was also sold throughout the Twin Cities Metro area.

Symptoms caused by Cyclospora include watery diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, loss of appetite, and weight loss. People typically become ill about a week after eating contaminated food, but this period can range from 2-14 days. Diarrhea can last several weeks or longer if not treated. Contact your health care provider if you have become ill.

No illnesses associated with this product have been reported at this time in Minnesota.

To see the original post and read reporting, follow this link to the WDIO-TV website.