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COVID-19 vaccination site to move from Community Center to Sawtooth Mountain Clinic

Feb 25, 2022 03:32PM ● By Editor

Photo credit: Laura Muus Photography

From Cook County Public Health and Human Services and Sawtooth Mountain Clinic - February 25, 2022


Officials from Cook County Public Health and Sawtooth Mountain Clinic announce that starting in March, the COVID-19 vaccination site will transition from the Cook County Community Center to the Sawtooth Mountain Clinic (SMC).  This includes both initial doses and boosters for those ages five and above.  Community members can now call SMC to schedule an appointment at (218) 387-2330.  

“At this point in the pandemic, 81.5% of Cook County residents are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, which is a huge accomplishment for our community,” stated Grace Grinager, Public Health Supervisor for Cook County.  “We continue to see people each week coming for their first dose, second dose, or booster dose.  We know these vaccines are both safe and effective at preventing severe outcomes from COVID-19, and I’m encouraged that people continue to choose vaccination for themselves and their children during the ongoing pandemic.  Vaccination, alongside tools such as wearing a high-quality mask in public spaces and staying home and testing if you feel sick continue to provide strong layers of protection to our community."

“It’s not too late to get your COVID-19 vaccine,” added Sawtooth Mountain Clinic CEO, Kate Surbaugh.  “Our staff at the clinic are happy to help you schedule a vaccination appointment.  We’re also happy to schedule a time for you to talk with one of our medical providers about the COVID-19 vaccines if you have questions about them or would simply like more information.”

SMC has all four COVID-19 vaccines available: Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Pfizer, and pediatric Pfizer for those age 5-11.  You will be automatically scheduled for a 2nd dose if you make a 1st dose appointment.  If you received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine over 2 months ago, or you received the two-dose Moderna or Pfizer series at least 5 months ago, please schedule a booster appointment.  Boosters provide additional protection against infection and severe outcomes due to COVID-19

Cook County continues to share the latest information on COVID-19 in Cook County at including local testing options, general COVID-19 public health recommendations, local data, as well links to information on COVID-19 from CDC and MDH.


Grace Grinager, Cook County Public Health Supervisor, 218-387-3620, [email protected]

Kate Surbaugh, Sawtooth Mountain Clinic CEO, 218-387-2330[email protected]



Photo credit: Laura Muus Photography

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