68-year-old twin brothers found dead in fire-damaged Duluth home
Jan 02, 2022 06:37AM ● By Editor
By Arman Rahman of Fox 21 News - January 1, 2021
Two brothers were found dead Saturday in a home authorities with the St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office said burnt down recently.
According to the Sheriff’s Office, authorities were responding to a possible structure fire at 5728 Industrial Road in Canosia Township Saturday.
The person calling 911 stated they stopped at the address to check the welfare of friends, twin brothers Jerry Rousse and Terry Rousse, after being unable to make phone contact for several days.
At the residence, it was determined a fire inside the home in the past few days caused “considerable heat and smoke damages” before apparently going out on its own.
The bodies of the Rousse brothers were discovered inside.
The origin of the fire and cause of deaths are under investigation by the State Fire Marshal and St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office.
To see the original report and read related stories, follow this link to the Fox 21 News website. https://www.fox21online.com/2022/01/01/68-year-old-twin-brothers-found-dead-in-fire-damaged-duluth-h...