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Ski hills gearing up for Winter Season

Nov 06, 2021 05:30AM ● By Editor
Image: Fox 21 News

By Reece Lindquist of Fox 21 News - November 5, 2021

The Northland’s Ski mountains are getting ready for the winter season.

Right now, Lutsen Mountain’s top priority is snowmaking which will happen when we get consecutive colder days.

With snow-making staff on standby, they have a goal of people coming in and skiing by Thanksgiving and are expecting a big season.

“Last year we were in the unique position of being one of the few things people could do. There was no school sports, there weren’t football games there weren’t concerts. A lot of that has come back into the mix. We are sharing leisure time with a number of other activities which is good for everyone and will impact our season,” Lutsen Mountains Director of Operations, Jim Vick says.

Lutsen Mountains staff hopes to open their slopes later on this month.

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