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Walz allocates $106M in pandemic relief money to schools, workforce development, homeless shelters

Sep 05, 2021 04:48AM ● By Editor

By Molly Wasche of KBJR-TV - September 4, 2021

Money to support Minnesota students, drive workforce development, and help shelter those in need has been allocated from the Federal American Rescue fund Friday.

Gov. Tim Walz said the $106 million will help Minnesotans who need relief by providing resources to beat the COVID-19 pandemic and build a stronger economy for generations to come.

“With this funding, we are helping students recover from the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, driving workforce development in critical, good-paying fields, and providing safe shelter to the Minnesotans who need it most before our harsh winter months.”

$29 million will go to support students across the state, $35 million will help increase the number of workers for critical industries, and $10 million will go to help homeless shelters respond to COVID-19 outbreaks.

Friday’s announced allocation is a slice of the $500 million the state is receiving for immediate COVID recovery efforts, with $1.15 billion on its way to be allocated in the 2022 legislative session for long-term pandemic recovery.

Minnesota will also get $1.183 billion in state revenue replacement, for a total of $2.833 billion in American Rescue Plan funding for the state government. (Local governments also got $2.132 billion, and $3.505 billion is going toward federally funded programs in the state.)

In total, President Joe Biden’s plan provides $8.5 billion to Minnesota to support COVID-19 recovery efforts.

Additional allocations of the $500 million reserved for immediate COVID-19 response will be announced soon.

To see the original report na dread related stories, follow this link to the KBJR-TV website.