Superior Encourages Drivers to Use Alternatives to Trapper's Lake Road (FR369)
Nov 10, 2020 11:35AM ● By Editor
DULUTH, MN, November 10, 2020 –The Superior National Forest would like to encourage drivers to use alternative routes other than Trapper’s Lake Road (FR 369) in the interest of safe winter driving. Trapper’s Lake Road runs north/south on the Tofte Ranger District, originating from the Isabella area the road runs north towards the Sawbill Landing area. Current heavy log hauling operations are ongoing along this road through the remainder of the winter, 7 days a week. Additionally, this road is narrow with limited options for pulling over and is very icy at this time.
Visitors are encouraged to instead utilize Wanless Road (FR 172) or DMIR Grade (FR 380) for vehicle travel in the area. Downloadable PDF Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) are available at:
The Tofte District Office front desk may be contacted for additional information at 218-663-8060. The Forest offices are available by phone from 8-4:30 Central Time, seven days a week.
For more information on travel in this area and all visitor updates please visit our website at: You can also follow us on Twitter at or contact us on Facebook at
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