COVID Case Update - Cook County Schools
Sep 26, 2020 06:50PM ● By Editor
Our school has had its first confirmed case of COVID-19. We have been in close communication with our Public Health professionals that have supported our communications and contact tracing within our staff and students in our essential student care. Along with our Public Health partners, we have and will be connecting with the families and those affected by this case.
We have done a good job of following our procedures and protocols to ensure that a minimum of our school community has been affected. That being said, we will increase our diligence when social distancing, sanitizing, and examining all aspects of the program and related procedures.
As we work through this incident, please know that we will continue to work hard to continue to follow the COVID plans that include the implementation of the CDC and MDH guidelines. As a community we should be proud of our public health and their diligence when working through these cases with the parties involved. We, as a school, will be working with the public health team to continue to diligently evaluate and re-evaluate our procedures and protocols. Our focus is to ensure the safety of all staff, students, and the community.
Thank you for your support and understanding during this time.