Silver Bay receives $4.6 million in funding from the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority.
Aug 25, 2020 12:37PM ● By EditorThe Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (PFA) announced last week $122 million in loans and grants in the first half of 2020 for water and infrastructure projects in 24 communities throughout Minnesota.
“COVID-19 hasn’t postponed the need for Minnesotans to protect one of our most prized natural resources, our water,” said PFA Chair and Commissioner of the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), Steve Grove. “These 24 projects will help local communities protect their waterways and prepare for future economic growth.”
The PFA administers and oversees the financial management of three revolving loan funds and other programs that help local units of government construct facilities for clean water, drinking water, and transportation infrastructure projects.
The round of PFA funding awards announced today includes $63 million from the Clean Water Revolving Fund, $47 million from the Drinking Water Revolving Fund, $4.4 million from the Water Infrastructure Funding program, $4.2 million from the Point Source Implementation Grant (PSIG) program, $1.8 million from the Transportation Revolving Loan Fund, and $2.1 million from legislative appropriations. Additional funding was provided by the USDA Office of Rural Development, the DEED Small Cities Development Program, and local sources. Total funding from all sources for these projects was $133 million.
Find details for the individual projects below by clicking on the links:
February 14 - Silver Bay, $4,632,459
Rehabilitation of the city’s wastewater treatment facility and upgrades to reduce the discharge of mercury.
February 25 - Houston, $149,500
Work on well number two as part two of a project repairing Houston’s water treatment plant and wells.
March 2 - Mountain Lake, $10,600,939
Construction and operation of a class C wastewater treatment plant, including two ponds, chemical storage with chemical fee equipment and a lift station.
March 9 - Winnebago, $5,526,925
Stormwater drainage improvements in the northwest area of the city.
April 7 - Austin, $1,365,918
Sewer extension to help meet the waste load reduction requirement for the Lower Mississippi River Basin.
April 27 - Otsego, $17,273,277
Rehabilitating the east wastewater treatment facility and expanding biosolids processing.
May 14 - Burnsville, $2,678,197
Reconditioning the seven million gallon Heather Hills drinking water reservoir.
May 27 - Adams, $914,293
Rehabilitating sanitary sewer mains and services in the areas of 5th, Bergen, and Water Streets.
June 3 - Ada, $1,975,734
Replacement of aging sanitary sewer lines and water mains.
June 4 - Fertile, $311,558
Water main replacement and hydrant extension.
June 4 Kensington, $2,395,000
Improvements to the city's drinking water system, including a new well, treatment plant rehabilitation, and water main replacement.
June 8 - Barnesville, $1,961,315
Improvements to the city's wastewater stabilization pond treatment system.
June 11 - Caledonia, $333,149
Constructing a new well to provide adequate water for city use.
June 15 - Gary, $3,596,000
Improvements to the city's drinking water system including two new wells, treatment plant improvements, water main looping, and a new 50,000 gallon tower.
June 24 – Big Lake, $3,057,950
Improvements to the city's wastewater treatment facility.
July 1 – Chisago Lakes Joint Sewage Treatment Commission, $904,515
Improvements to the Corridor lift station.
July 1 – Grey Eagle, $5,225,000
Installing new sewer mains, manholes, and lift stations.
July 1 – Saint Martin, $1,772,316
Local share of utility costs along County State Aid Highway 12 project being constructed by Stearns County.
July 1 – Moorhead, $18,048,080
Improvements to the wastewater treatment and sewer collection system.
July 9 – Mayer, $1,169,180
Rehabilitating the existing water treatment plant, constructing a new well and rehabilitating an existing well.
July 13 – Pelican Rapids, $1,219,823
Rehabilitation of the sewer collection system and water main replacement along County Highways 100 and 96.
July 15 – Saint Cloud, $40,055,140
Advanced modifications to the drinking water treatment plant.
July 24 - Nisswa, $ 5,208,648
Rehabilitation and expansion of the wastewater stabilization ponds and spray irrigation system.
July 24 - Starbuck, $ 2,411,776
Replacement of aging sanitary sewer lines and water mains under Trunk Highways 28, 29 and 114.
The Minnesota PFA provides financing and technical assistance to help communities build and maintain infrastructure that protects public health and the environment and promotes economic growth. Since its inception in 1987, the PFA has financed over $5 billion in public infrastructure projects in communities throughout Minnesota. Read more on the PFA website.