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Cook County ISD 166 School Board Meeting - Thursday, April 16th

Apr 14, 2020 11:47AM ● By Editor
April 14, 2020

The Cook County ISD166 School Board will be meeting via Teleconference.  If you would like to join the meeting please go to the link listed below:

Community Comments can be submitted via email to: [email protected] or by voicemail: 218-387-2271 ext. 606


The Cook County School District is committed to academic excellence.  We promote success for each student  through high expectations and responsiveness to the individual student’s needs.

Our culture fosters respect for all members of the school community, recognizing and welcoming our diversity.  We provide a safe environment in which mental and physical health is a priority.

We honor collaboration with student, family, and community stakeholders in the educational process.  We work together to set and meet goals that will fulfill our vision.

In a mutual effort of vigilance we will monitor and adapt our performance.

DAN SHIRLEY, Board Chair

DEBRA WHITE, Board Clerk

RENA ROGERS, Board Treasurer

SISSY LUNDE, School Board Member

CARRIE JANSEN, School Board Member

DR. WILLIAM CRANDALL, Superintendent

Cook County School District - ISD 166

School Board Agenda

April  16, 2020

5:00 PM Regular Board Meeting

Jane Mianowski Conference Center

101 W 5th St., Grand Marais, MN

Click here to Join Zoom Teleconference


1.0 Call to Order

2.0 Pledge of Allegiance

3.0 Approve Meeting Agenda

4.0 Approve to Hold Meetings by Teleconference or
other Electronic Means

5.0 Recognition of Visitors

6.0 Community Comments 

Community Comments is an opportunity for the public to address the school board on an item included in this agenda in accordance with guidelines printed at the end of the agenda.

7.0 Consent Agenda

7.1 Approve Minutes-March 19, 2020

7.2 Approve Payment of Bills-March 23 & 24,
2020, Wire Payment March 2020.

7.3 Electronic Funds Activity-March 2020

7.4 Board Reports

8.0 Student Highlights

8.1 Highlight presented by new Student
Board Member

9.0 Discussion/Action Items

9.1 Goals Report

9.2 Bond Update

9.3 Approve Expenditure Revenue Report, 
March 2020.

9.4 Approve 2020-2021 District School Calendar

10.0  Personnel

10.1 Resolution Relating to the Nonrenewal of
Probationary Teacher Contract

11.0   Administrative Reports

11.1 Principals Report-Covid-19 update

11.2 Superintendent Report-Covid-19 update

12.0   Adjourn

*This agenda is posted as a courtesy to the public and is subject to change*

I.S.D. 166 Guidelines for Community Comments

Revised 1/16/2018, Approved 2/15/2018

1. Anyone indicating a desire to speak will be acknowledged by the Board Chair. When called upon to speak, please state your name and topic. 

2. All remarks shall be addressed to the board as a whole, not to any specific member(s) or to any person who is not a member of the board. 

3. If there are a number of individuals present to speak on the same topic, please designate a spokesperson to summarize the issue.

4. Please provide at least 8 copies of any documents that you plan to share.

5. If you need electronic equipment or other assistance setting up, please contact the District Office and the district will try to accommodate your request(s).

6. Please answer the following questions (if appropriate) within your presentation: 

a. What agenda item does the proposal relate to?  

b. How would students benefit from the proposal?  

c. How does the proposal impact the future educational services and financial responsibility of the district?  

d. What data or research supports the proposal? 

7. Please limit your comments to three minutes.  Longer time may be granted at the discretion of the Board Chair.  

8. If you have written comments, the board would like to have a copy, which will help them better understand, investigate and respond to your proposal. 

9. During Community Comments the board and administration listen to comments.  Responses will be shared at the next regularly scheduled board meeting. Board members or the Superintendent may ask questions of you in order to gain a thorough understanding of your concern, suggestion or request.

10. Please be aware that disrespectful comments or comments of a personal nature, directed at an individual either by name or inference, will not be allowed.  Personnel concerns should be directed first to the principal, then to the superintendent and then in writing to the board. 

11. Please refrain from making comments at other times during the board meeting.

12. If you have a concern which arises after Community Comments have been presented, please make note of your concern and share it with the board chair following the meeting.

13. After Community comments have been heard refrain from interrupting the meeting.  Personal comments, opinions, grammatical corrections, etc. should not be made during the meeting.