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Story Scouts: Free, Fun, Kids’ Pop-Up Publishing Club

Mar 11, 2020 03:08PM ● By Editor
Story Scouts: Free, Fun, Kids’ Pop-Up Publishing Club
Beginning Thursday, March 12, Drop-in between 3 p.m.-7 p.m.
Cook County YMCA Lobby Grades 2-9

Ahoy child authors and illustrators! Look for the Minnesota Children’s Press’ pop-up publishing
club table in the lobby of the YMCA on Thursdays, starting March 12, 2020. Open afterschool
on a casual, drop-in basis from 3-7 p.m., the Story Scouts club is courtesy of Minnesota
Children’s Press, Minnesota Children's Press is Grand Marais’ new
nonprofit dedicated to helping children voice and amplify their messages for the world they will
soon steward as adults.

Not a Word Writer? Not a Problem!
Staffed by award-winning author and publisher, science writer Anne Brataas
(, a Grand-Marais part-time resident, the pop-up table is open to
kids in grades 2-8 (but we're flexible; show up and see how you do) who have visions they want
to voice and can focus and collaborate productively to make it happen. If word writing is not your
talent or interest, no problem! Pictures, maps, secret codes, cartoons, runic designs, shape
poems, totems, charts, graphs, flags, logos, heraldic crests and more that help visualize story
are all welcome. We need child researchers, archivists, editors and interviewers, too. Want to
build a website? Great! Learn how to update our Story Scouts ( and
BorealCorps web sites! (

3 Storycrafting Activities in Spring
March through May, we feature a three-part story sampler of publishing activities for you
to choose from — do one or all — that include:

1) Bring out your inner Stick Figure artist! Create your character and embody it in a Stick Fig
you send on adventures around the pages of a book you begin today with Minnesota Children’s
Press( ). On March 12, Stick Fig Artist, cartoonist, actor, and improv
player Kip Hathaway will be on hand to inspire and guide you to a world where all things Stick
Fig are possible. Ditto Cartoons–just ask Kip!

2) Make your voice heard and change the world! Compose messages in the spirit of 1920
suffragettes who won the vote for women through the passage of the 19th amendment to the
U.S. Constitution, ratified August 18, 1920. Make your own banner and sash designs as
Minnesota women throughout the state did 100 years ago —and help us celebrate this
important centennial of women’s vote. We will make and publish exhibit boards and display
them around town!

3) Co-create the text and illustrations for Deer and Rabbit, a true story of growing up in
Grand Marais in the 1930s involving a blind deer, and the rabbit who took care of him. This is
the first in a series of True Tales of North Shore Childhoods that Minnesota Children’s Press is
creating and publishing in 2020. It is dedicated to the spirit and work of the late gifted teacher
and beloved mentor, Grand Marais native Bob Pratt.

Honoring Bob Pratt Through Children's Publishing
With his lifelong friends and fellow Grand Marais natives, Gordon and Joyce Russell Lindquist,
Bob spoke with Anne Brataas of Minnesota Children’s Press in April 2017 while gathered
around the Lindquist’s kitchen table. We created what we called “The Wisdom Project.” We
wanted to pass on local elders' views and true tales of the North Shore life, culture and values
to the children who will create and tend its future.

Now that Minnesota Children’s Press is finally formed and certified as a tax-exempt public
charity based in Grand Marais, it takes as its first project carrying that kitchen-table conversation
forward. We will begin thanking and honoring Bob by writing, illustrating and publishing the
story of Gordon’s Grand Marais childhood pets–Silver, the abandoned blind fawn he found and
the family's pet rabbit, who adopted Silver–with the book-to-be authored and illustrated by
children, Deer and Rabbit. Join us!

Work Remotely If You Can't Join In Person On Thursdays
Visit us in person on Thursdays at the Publishing Pop-up -- or email [email protected]
to learn about how to join us remotely from wherever you are in Cook County. As an
entrepreneurial authoring club, Story Scouts aims to prepare kids with the portfolio and
authoring skills to thrive in 21st century digital communications. Remote working is a vital 21st
Century skill set worth you need to learn and master! When you join Minnesota Children’s Press
Story Scouts entrepreneurial authoring club this spring you get the full fun…including eligibility
for the Lego Challenge Tree Fort Building Blast.

We supply the Legos in our as-yet unbuilt Lego Lounge that is on our list of good things-tobe...
and coming soon to a North Shore childhood near you!


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