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Boreal Community Media

Grand Marais featured in PBS Newshour story on arts in rural America

Nov 11, 2019 07:20PM ● By Editor

Watch the PBS News Hour story here

From Boreal Community Media - November 11, 2019

The extensive report on arts in rural America focuses on Minnesota, including scenes shot in Grand Marais and an interview featuring Mayor Jay Arrowsmith-DeCoux of Grand Marais commenting on the importance of considering arts in every aspect of municipal works, including the re-construction of Highway 61.  The report covers several Minnesota communities and groups who have embraced the arts as a way to enhance the quality of life in rural America.

It cites research from the National Governors's Association, that rural areas with a strong performing arts community have a three times higher rate in population growth than those that do not.

By Jefferey Brown, Arts Correspondent for the PBS News Hour - November 11, 2019

Americans have been drawn to rural areas in recent years partly due to the appeal of a higher quality of life. These regions have not traditionally been known as art hubs, but some residents say that trend is changing. Jeffrey Brown reports from northern Minnesota, where artists and community leaders are fighting the national narrative of rural America in decline.

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