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Woman hanging from kayak pulled from Lake Superior near McClain State Park in Michigan

Jul 01, 2019 09:20AM ● By Editor

McClain State Park.  Photo:

By Nicole Walton of WNMU-FM - July 1,  2019

A Hancock woman had to be rescued from Lake Superior when she was found clinging to a kayak far from shore Sunday at McClain State Park. 

The Houghton County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to the park around 4:40 p.m. Deputies say the 21-year-old woman was on an inflatable flotation device beside two family members, each in a kayak. When they realized they’d floated far from shore they tried to tow the device behind one of the kayaks, but couldn’t make headway. The woman climbed on the back of one of the kayaks but slid off and couldn’t climb back on. She was given a life jacket by one of the kayakers.

Fifteen to 20 minutes afterward they realized they couldn’t make it to shore and called a family member, who called 911.

A DNR boat and Sheriff’s Office vessel arrived on the scene. A passing boater close to shore was directed to the kayakers and pulled the victim from the water. The DNR boat took her to shore, where she was treated by medical personnel for mild hypothermia.

To read the original story and related reporting, follow the slink to the WNMU website.