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Boreal Community Media

Weekly Conservation Officer Reports

Jun 03, 2019 12:41PM ● By Editor
District 6 - Two Harbors area - From the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - June 3, 201 9

CO Anthony Bermel (Babbitt) patrolled in and out of the BWCA throughout the week, working primarily angling, boating, and ATV enforcement. One individual was contacted angling from a houseboat a day before he had set his 72-hour angling license to become effective. Enforcement action taken for the week included angling with an extra line, angling without a license, illegal-length northern pike, using game fish for bait, no trout stamp, insufficient PFDs, failure to comply with burning permit restrictions, and ATV violations.

CO Sean Williams (Ely) reports angling success varied compared to earlier in the season. Walleye success was low, and most anglers checked reported very little or no success. Trout anglers had a great deal of success early in the week with the action tapering off. Violations included angling without a license in possession, angling on a designated trout lake with no stamp, and failure to display current watercraft registration. 

CO Don Murray (Two Harbors) worked boating and invasive species enforcement activity this past week. Summer weather finally arrived and water-related recreation was high. Murray handled nuisance-bear complaints and investigated a complaint of illegal fishing activity. Enforcement action was taken for angling without a license and OHM registration violations.

CO Mary Manning (Hovland) cleaned up again after the same parents behaving badly as last week this time in a local WMA. She took reports of bears behaving badly (read: behaving like bears) and of a young wolf visiting an area campground. Manning assisted COs Fagerman and Wahlstrom and local volunteers with a firearms safety field day. Anyone interested in becoming a DNR safety training volunteer can contact a local CO for information on the process.

CO David Schottenbauer (Silver Bay) worked angling activity this past week. Time was spent checking boaters on the water and at accesses. More flies than fish were caught this past week.

CO Darin Fagerman (Grand Marais) reports going from the land of ice and snow to black flies in about 60 seconds. Boat rides over the 55-degree water are about as cool as the below-average fishing has been. Fagerman assisted with a firearms safety field day and took a complaint about snowmobilers during the week. He also took a call from a person in Illinois who wants to come to northern Minnesota to fish for rusty crayfish. A wildland arson case was also followed up on.

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