Video: State Awaits the Cook County/Silver Bay Girl's Alpine Team
Feb 12, 2019 08:09AM ● By Editor
Cook County/Silver Bay Alpine Ski Members. Photo: Cook County Alpine Ski Facebook Page
From WDIO-TV Sports - February 12, 2019
Grand Marais, Minn. - It is state week for prep skiers in Minnesota the alpine athletes take center stage Wednesday at Giants Ridge.
The Cook County/Silver Bay girl's qualified as a team, taking second at sections last week - also at Giants Ridge. Will Surbaugh of the boy's earned an individual spot. Some have been to state before and for others, it is their first time.
"The girls team has been skiing together since we were about six of seven years old and we've all gained a great relationship with each other and it is fun to ski with them," says Reilly Wahlers, a member of the girl's team.
"I see Giants Ridge in a different way now that I'm a state qualifier because I am a senior and this is the only time I have made it with my team," says Elsa Lunde, a member of the girl's team.
"It is really exciting, I mean I've been close a lot of times, so it was nice to make it as an individual," says Will Surbaugh, a member of the boy's team.
The Duluth East Boy's as qualified as a team. A number of locals qualified as individuals.
For more on the State Alpine Ski Meet, click here.
The State Nordic Ski Meet is Thursday, also at Giants Ridge.
Watch the WDIO-TV Report on the Ski Team here