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Boreal Community Media

Tettegouche Toddler Time: Ruffled Feathers on Tuesday

Jan 27, 2019 07:11AM ● By Editor


Children ages 2-5 are welcome to bring their families to Tettegouche State Park and enjoy a story, indoor and outdoor hands-on activities, and an art project with a Park Ranger. 


All family members are welcome, activities are designed for children between the ages of 2 and 


One Tuesday a month. Each program will focus on a nature based topic.

January 29: Ruffled Feathers - How do animals survive the winter? Explore the many ways animals protect themselves from the cold.


Meet at the Tettegouche Visitor Center at 9:30 AM

Registration Requested (but not required): email [email protected] or call 218-353-8806

5 miles northeast of Silver Bay on State Highway 61.

More Information
Contact Nadine Meyer at 2183538806 or by email at [email protected].